UCSF is excited to highlight WORLD FOOD DAY with special menus and tastings on October 16th this year. Our
goal is to bring attention to sustainable ways of growing, preparing and consuming healthy food that benefit both the
planet and our bodies.
Here at UCSF, the Department of Nutrition and Food Services has incorporated sustainability practices into all
aspects of our process: from planning & purchasing...to buying... to cooking ... right on through to our of handling of
waste. For us, everyday is Food Day.
We hope you will join us in our pledge to observe the principles of COOL FOOD.
As a matter of practice we will:
• Eat fresh, unprocessed foods.
• Buy local and in-season.
• Choose organic foods.
• Eliminate industrial meat & dairy consumption, and opt instead for pasture-raised products.
• Reduce food waste and compost at home, at school, and at work.
By making climate-smart food choices and supporting planet-friendly policy initiatives, you’ll help tackle climate
change while creating a healthier you, a healthier family, and a healthier planet.
UCSF has also committed to adopting the principles of MENUS OF CHANGE—a ground-breaking food and
climate-conscious initiative developed collaboratively by the Culinary Institute of America and Harvard University’s
T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Like the Cool Food pledge, support for Menus of Change means eating sustainably
for a healthier planet and working toward a diet that strikes at the intersection of body, environment and social
We urge you to join us in honoring the principles of Cool food and Menus of Change for a healthier you and a
sustainable planet. Make everyday Food Day!
Read more here: