In recognition of World Food Day we are looking to fight food insecurity. Join us in one or two ways to support UCSF Social Work Meal Card Programs.
From October 18-22 you can either buy a “Giving Greens” bag for $5 or add an extra dollar at checkout. All proceeds will go directly in support of this program.
Social work meal cards are distributed by our social workers based on financial need. These cards are funded by the pediatric and adult social work departments.
We would like to thank Bay Cities Produce for their support and coming on campus on Oct 19 (Parnassus) and Oct. 20 (Mission Bay). Swing by and grab a bag and visit with them to learn about the special produce and farms that also donated to this cause.
Here are the farms who donated seasonal produce:
- Sweet Potatoes from AV Thomas http://www.avthomasproduce.com/
- Asian Pears from Kingsburg Orchards https://www.kingsburgorchards.com/growers
- Russet Potatoes from Circle C
- Green Grapes from KingFresh https://kingfresh.com/
- Tangerines from Kings river https://kingorange.com/